Category: Pop Up Campers

lifetime cheap pop up campers

Lightweight Pop Up Campers

When it comes to featherweight campers, the scale doesn’t go any lower than lightweight pop up campers. In addition to being easier to stow, tow, and handle in general, pop up campers are just light...

hard sided pop up campers

Hard Sided Pop Up Campers

As a category of recreational vehicles, pop up campers cover a lot of ground. There’s so much variety within the category that it’s almost hard to put an ultra lightweight pop up camper, like...

hybrid travel trailer

Where Do Hybrid Travel Trailers Fit?

While this site is primarily focused on pop up campers, the dividing line between pop ups and travel trailers might be a little fuzzier than you think. Although pop up campers come in a...

winter camping

Winter Camping in a Pop Up

The peak season for for camping typically falls in between the months of April and October in the Northern hemisphere for a good reason. Camping is an inherently outdoor activity, and cold, inclement weather...